Gabriel: Childhood of Mary (dictated to G. Innocente; excerpts)

Hail, beloved spirits of fire! Beloved children of the Homeland! Tonight I bring you love from that Home. I hold you within the compass of My arms and bring you the love of the Father as well as the love of the Divine Mother from whose bosom you came forth into individualization. You came with but one desire in your sweet earnest hearts: to do Their will, to carry the light and to be the full manifestation of Their love.

Hail to Thee, o spirit of this great mountain (Grand Teton), mighty Deva holding the focus of the powers of the sacred fire.!

From time immemorial there have been certain spiritually advanced beings who have chosen to become a part of the cosmic moment, emobdy and carry some portion of the God-design into the world of form thru the veil of physical birth. I have often been invoked by such beings and before they took birth have promised them that I would come to them at the time for the fulfillment of their mission. In the full freedom of My God radiation I promised to bring to them remembrance of their vow, their divine purpose and of the capacity within their lifestreams to fulfill that purpose in dignity, honor and victory.

Before the holy Mary took physical birth I promised Her that I would come and help Her by flashing into Her consciousness the remembrance of the immaculate conception which She was to hold. This was to be the seed around which the electronic light and substance of Earth would form to create the physical vehicle of Jesus. However, much was dependent upon Mary's Own consciousness in order that She might be in a state of listening grace at the split-second when the law would allow Me to make such a visitation. Only thus would She be able to receive My Presence, accept My words and be able to feel that flash of illumination and divine fire, anchoring it within Her Own consciousness so that it might be for Her the sustaining power in the world of form.

From the day She was taken to the temple, an infant of three, beloved Mary lived in a state of constant listening grace. It was easy indeed for Me to say when I stood before Her: "Hail Mary full of grace!" Truly it seemed to be a somewhat lonely life for such a small child taken so young from the arms of her mother. While She was raised with the other young girls of Judea yet her interests were different from those among whom She moved. Her life was one in which She contemplated all the prophecies of the Old Testament, one in which She developed a tremendous devotion to beloved Vesta (divine complement of Helios of the Sun). While other children were playing with dolls Mary virtually cradled the world in those infant arms thru the feeling of that Divine Mother love which She drew from beloved Vesta Herself, by her contemplation and love of that great being. The angels were always around Her enjoying the fragrance of her Presence. Even in that small body She was truly a queen of the angels. Mary grew in that grace, in that symmetry of form, in that beauty and humility of nature so much that there was practically no veil between the angelic kingdom and her own sweet Self.

It was well that such momentum was builded and such faith and confidence established between Her and the angelic kingdom during those early sheltered years because in her later life Mary had the visitation of an angel again. This time He brought news of impending disaster. Mary and Joseph with that small baby were called upon to leave the shelter of their home and journey into Egypt across a land filled with dangerous wildlife. here She was sustained by this momentum builded in her early years and her confidence in the celestial visitors, her faith in Their Word was such that never for a moment did She question Their Reality or Their Wisdom. Thus She remained at peace even though beloved Joseph was torn between reason and intuition, feeling within Himself the great responsibility of his guardianship.

The large liquid eyes of Mary were always filled with that faith indescribable, and when They were told by the angel to make this journey into Egypt, She said: "Joseph, We shall go!"

Now you are those who follow a similar path. You too are coming into closer association with the angelic kingdom. This association is one of the gifts of Our beloved Friend and Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is meant to bring to mankind and incarnate angels the joy of association with those of Us whose pinions have never been bound round by flesh. In your happy times cultivate confidence in Us and enjoy Our Presence. Then when it is required by the law and a moment comes when perhaps your very safety or that of others will depend upon that confidence, you will be able to place your hands in the hands of celestial visitors and, as Mary said, be the handmaiden of your Lord. Thus is obedience builded out of love not out of fear, thus is friendship builded out of shared sweet experiences, thus do the angels draw close into the aura of those who know love and there We abide! There We feel no separation from the Father's Kingdom.

-Memoirs of Beloved Mary, 1955.

from Bridge to Freedom Journal of Nov 1957: "I invoke the full-gathered cosmic momentum of the Christian Dispensation to flow to, thru and around the selfless workers of Christ in the world of form and at inner levels. I invoke the full-gathered cosmic momentum of Lord Gautama's service to flow in, thru and around sincere unascended lifestreams continuing in his name the middle way work. In the name and love of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood!" -Jesus Christ

Archangel Michael: Dec 11, 1953 Dictation (delivered by G. Innocente)

Hail! o Father of light and life eternal! I stand on the planet Earth among the spirits whom I vowed to bring Home! Hail! Thou eternal Mother, the hem of whose garment I kissed before I left the celestial light of Thy radiant Presence and to whom I promised I should not return home until every spirit-spark born out of Thine Own bosom, engendered by Thy light and destined to immortality should be God-free!

Tonight I hold within the compass of My aura a mighty throbbing city. Million and millions of sleeping souls stir in their sleep this night and they shall awaken for they are My Own! I AM here because among those who dwell in this shadowland are some who have remembered the light, some who have believed that angels and devas and masters have reality and because the door has been opened thru freewill to My Presence.

O Almighty Parents of this system of worlds, in Thy Name I make the supplication for the redemption of these sin-ridden souls of men! Thru the free energies voluntarily poured forth on the living altar of life by these the guardian spirits, grant Thou these souls release! Dispensations that have never been known I invoke from the Sun behind the sun! I Michael invoke light from the Sun behind the sun! My voice shall not be silent! My Presence shall not cease to stand within the shadows while there remains yet one enmeshed! Enough! It is enough! I AM life speaking! I AM that life self-consciously and intelligently dedicated to the preservation of the spiritual destiny of every soul who cheerfully and joyously left the bosom of the Eternal and came into form. It is My reason for being! Why else should I receive of the ceaseless flow of the universal God electronic substance unless I serve and set life free?

I speak thru the very energy dedicated, consecrated, molded, sustained by unascended beings, and those energies are part of the mental, the feeling world, the actual physical structure and the etheric consciousness of every man, woman and child belong to this evolution, incarnate and discarnate. Enough! Light, perfection and God's way shall manifest! While there are among the souls of men bound yet by karma and limitations those of you who are willing to qualify life constructively there is hope for redemption for every electron clothed and qualified with impurity that is yet a part of the breathing and living body of God Himself!

I love you! I came from the heart of the Eternal dedicated to watching over the expansion of your soul light, the development of your spiritual maturity, until the final hour when in dignity and God mastery you stand revealed a royal prince or princess in the house of the celestial King. I live for that day!

I AM your friend! Fierce, true! In My determination that you linger no longer in the shadows of the centuries in a limiting consciousness builded out of your dreamings. Yet I AM gentle as a mother in the development, the fanning of your light, the tiniest spark of faith, the smallest breath of hope, the most feeble prayer! O God! how I love any tiny flickering ember from whence My love might fan again the flame of enthusiasm and love of God to set life free!

To You o beloved Liberty, Silent Watcher of this city (New York)! To You who have covered Your celestial eyes so that You need not look upon iniquity, to You whose shining pinions have been folded long about You as in self-chosen exile You stand, Your radiation alone keeping the souls in this metropolis from the second death! O Liberty! I bring You news from Home! I bring You love out of the garlands of the flame flowers of the Sun by the hands of Your Own Mother and place it upon Your brow! Would that these children might know Your watchful constant care! How often have You breathed hope into their hearts in the night when seemingly alone in the confines of their solitary chambers there was despondency! By how many bedsides have You stood, in how many brothels! O Liberty, Daughter of Heaven, I bring You love from Home! I bring You courage! You shall return! One day from among these very people there shall arise one who shall stand guardian over the new city that will rise in great perfection where New York City now stands, and into My Own arms o Child of the Father shall I take You!

May mankind someday know what the angels, the Silent Watchers and the devas have done in Their conducting of the radiation of Heaven thru the lower atmosphere of Earth, making the very physical breath breathed into the nostrils lifegiving rather than filled with the actual poison which would destroy the physical form!

O shining devas of the cathedrals! Blessed guardians of the churches! O glorious angels standing over the missions in the Bowery and Chinatown, I love You! I bring You the love of Home! O ministering angels over the great institutions! You who are cognizant that the seven archangels are in the atmosphere of this city tonight, I bring You courage! Alive within your city are people who know of You, people who love You, people who will one day walk thru those hospitals and institutions and, connecting with the vibratory action of your vital selves, externalize healings, balance, purity, freedom and peace! No longer shall those grails You carry filled with the elixir within which is the actual substance of miraculous healing and renewal remain unused. Great and mighty devas, angels, powers, every Silent Watcher in this city, invert those cups this night! Let that substance FLOW! (3x) And free imprisoned life! O God! Children of Earth, you live in the midst of a kingdom inhabited by beings of perfection, voluntary exiles from the glory of the celestial Court! Remember Them as you walk your streets, visit your sick, pass thru your churches! Acknowledge those silent ones above, those mighty devas, whose ministrations have saved the mankind of Earth from mass insanity! I challenge you to do it! They have names, feelings and purpose. They have love and hope just as you have. They have stood many centuries, in this country perhaps not so long, but in Europe for thousands of years, in Asia for hundreds of thousands, and their gifts are--what?--qualified Life! "Now it is all very well to speak cosmically," you say, but let us take the simple explanation which enables you to live better.

Dictations via Geraldine Innocente: